Great Prize
Little Prince – Alexandr Sybov, minoritate bulgara
Little Princess – Doina Bordeianu, Moldova
1st Prize
Olaru Bogdan, Romania
Cristina Zbralevici, Belarus; Eliza Lungu, Romania
2nd Prize
Secin Ilia, Ukraine
Dolma Catalina, Moldova; Apetean Inna, Armenia
3rd Prize
Vladislav Dolinin, Ukraine
Daria Nastase Tanase, Romania; Viorela Stoian, Romania
Special Prizes
toate premiile oferite vezi la
BEST FESTIVAL LITTLE PRINCE - proiect lansat în 1993
duminică, 29 iunie 2008
sâmbătă, 28 iunie 2008
Liderii de la ONG-urile din Reteaua OMCT
Festivalul-Concurs International Talentele Lumii (MIcul Print) a molipsit toata lumea in jur, si mai ales pe cei care au mana bagata in bugetul tarii, dar nu le venea nici o odee pe care ar fi putut "spala" cateva milioane...
Intr-un ceas bun
Noi ne cautam de treaba...
Timpul le va aseza pe toate la locul lor...
Reteaua OMCT
Intr-un ceas bun
Noi ne cautam de treaba...
Timpul le va aseza pe toate la locul lor...
Reteaua OMCT
marți, 24 iunie 2008
luni, 23 iunie 2008
Dear Mr.Terry Davis
Secretary General of Council of Europe
The Executive Board thanks you for your trust in the project achieved by the volunteers from World Organization of Talented Children (WOTC). Your kind gesture of granting your patronage to the 15th edition of this original dialogue between cultures and people, has challenged more and more the spirit of the volunteers from WOTC in their work for the benefit of their mates, of the society they live in, for a more prosperous future, for a more united Europe.
The International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince) became a long-term project already known all over Europe. The 15 editions of Intercultural Dialogue are the proof of a viable project and very necessary to young generation, to European society and to this beginning of the millennium.
In the cruelest period of transition, WOTC develops every year projects that involve several countries and over 55000 young people from all the continents. Intimidated by poverty and corruption, the youth who participate in the WOTC network regain their self-trust, in people, in the future. The delegations from different countries which participated at this intercultural dialogue, at their return home are trying to achieve WOTC projects, contributing in this way at strenghtening of the World Organization of Talented Children, to the creation of an International Volunteers Network.
By this project, WOTC implements every year Child’s Rights, promote the activity of Council of Europe and UNESCO, achieves cultural politics, educational politics, minorities politics, promote a media non-contaminated by totalitarianism, promote democracy. The ambition of the WOTC leaders and their hard work made the impossible to become possible: only they could develop in 2008 without any funds an Intercultural Dialogue, for which other people spend milions. This is the proof of a perfect projet administration, of a competent team. But also a good example of fruitful collaboration between Civil Society and public administration, between Civil Society and privat sector, between Civil Society and parliament, between Civil Society from former Soviet Union and international institutions.
At the developing of the 15th edition have participated over 100 young talents, and indirect, over 5000 persons of different nations, religions, social categories from Portugal to Republic Adigeea (Russian Federation). The 15th edition was a great success of intercultural dialogue from Eastern Europe.
Today begins the preparation of the 16th edition of International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince), edition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Council of Europe. We hope, Secretary General, to be always near the authors of this project.
With deeply respect,
Dan and Renata Verejanu,
The leaders of the NGOs within the WOTC network
The Executive Board thanks you for your trust in the project achieved by the volunteers from World Organization of Talented Children (WOTC). Your kind gesture of granting your patronage to the 15th edition of this original dialogue between cultures and people, has challenged more and more the spirit of the volunteers from WOTC in their work for the benefit of their mates, of the society they live in, for a more prosperous future, for a more united Europe.
The International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince) became a long-term project already known all over Europe. The 15 editions of Intercultural Dialogue are the proof of a viable project and very necessary to young generation, to European society and to this beginning of the millennium.
In the cruelest period of transition, WOTC develops every year projects that involve several countries and over 55000 young people from all the continents. Intimidated by poverty and corruption, the youth who participate in the WOTC network regain their self-trust, in people, in the future. The delegations from different countries which participated at this intercultural dialogue, at their return home are trying to achieve WOTC projects, contributing in this way at strenghtening of the World Organization of Talented Children, to the creation of an International Volunteers Network.
By this project, WOTC implements every year Child’s Rights, promote the activity of Council of Europe and UNESCO, achieves cultural politics, educational politics, minorities politics, promote a media non-contaminated by totalitarianism, promote democracy. The ambition of the WOTC leaders and their hard work made the impossible to become possible: only they could develop in 2008 without any funds an Intercultural Dialogue, for which other people spend milions. This is the proof of a perfect projet administration, of a competent team. But also a good example of fruitful collaboration between Civil Society and public administration, between Civil Society and privat sector, between Civil Society and parliament, between Civil Society from former Soviet Union and international institutions.
At the developing of the 15th edition have participated over 100 young talents, and indirect, over 5000 persons of different nations, religions, social categories from Portugal to Republic Adigeea (Russian Federation). The 15th edition was a great success of intercultural dialogue from Eastern Europe.
Today begins the preparation of the 16th edition of International Festival-Contest World Talents (Little Prince), edition dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Council of Europe. We hope, Secretary General, to be always near the authors of this project.
With deeply respect,
Dan and Renata Verejanu,
The leaders of the NGOs within the WOTC network
sâmbătă, 21 iunie 2008
marți, 17 iunie 2008
Parlamentul R.Moldova
luni, 16 iunie 2008
sâmbătă, 14 iunie 2008
joi, 12 iunie 2008
O parte a Juriului pleaca luni, 2 iunie...
O parte a participantilor si membriilor
Juriului International au plecat la 2-3 iunie (luni-marti),
altii au ramas si s-au incadrat
in alte manifestari
legate de dialogul intercultural "Micul Print"
In poze: Aeroportul din Chisinau,
Silvio Matos, Portugalia,
petrecut de voluntarii de la OMCT,
Yamac Telli, si parintii dansului,Turcia,
Renata Verejanu, Vitalie Dvorean, Dan Verejanu -lideri OMCT
miercuri, 11 iunie 2008
Receptia de la Leogrand
Voluntarii generatiei de aur: Dan Verejanu, Lilia Brumaru, Vitalie Dvorean, Alina Dragancea, Carolina Tcaci, Bogdan Zumbreanu etc. nu se pot desparti de OMCT nici atunci cand deja sunt casatoriti... Lilia Brumaru cu sotul Sergiu a venit de la Criuleni, Vitalie Dvorean a venit din Marea Britanie... Cristi Aldea-Teodorovici a adus-o si pe bunica... Bravo...
marți, 10 iunie 2008
Revista "Micul Prinţ" citită intens
Receptie pentru invingatori - 1 iunie 2008
Dupa Concertul de Gala si Decernarea premiilor participantii la Festivalul-Concurs International Talentele Lumii (Micul Print) au fost invitate la o receptie la Leogrand Hotel& Convention Center. O sa ziceti ca prea i-a alintat dna Renata Verejanu si partenerii sai pe participantii la editia XV... Dna renata Verejanu duce strategia Consiliului Europei si a ONU: tot ce e mai bun ofera la copii. Si poate convinge si partenerii de acest lucru.
duminică, 8 iunie 2008
sâmbătă, 7 iunie 2008
vineri, 6 iunie 2008
Parlamentul Republicii
La iesire din Parlament
oaspetii au tinut sa mai faca si alte poze...
Da, edificiul este foarte impunator...
Nici cate o felie nu incape in obiectiv...
Dl Laurentiu Popovici, care, sper sa devina si Domnia sa prietenul OMCT,
sta mai la o margine...
Armenia fotografiaza, surd eu, si...
Luam alte trei masini, taxi platiti cu bani grei...
(atatea ani promovam Moldova,
si sa nu se gaseasca un microbus?!),
si mergem la pranz, ne grabim,
caci incepe cel de-al 2-lea Spectacol-concurs...
Cronicaul Micului Print
oaspetii au tinut sa mai faca si alte poze...
Da, edificiul este foarte impunator...
Nici cate o felie nu incape in obiectiv...
Dl Laurentiu Popovici, care, sper sa devina si Domnia sa prietenul OMCT,
sta mai la o margine...
Armenia fotografiaza, surd eu, si...
Luam alte trei masini, taxi platiti cu bani grei...
(atatea ani promovam Moldova,
si sa nu se gaseasca un microbus?!),
si mergem la pranz, ne grabim,
caci incepe cel de-al 2-lea Spectacol-concurs...
Cronicaul Micului Print
Parlamentul R.Moldova
31 mai 2008...
Mai am o multine de lucruri de facut...
Dar iau un taxi si vin direct la Parlament...
Membrii Juriului International si cativa sefi de delegatii straine deja ma asteapta...
Dansii sunt foarte bucurosi ca am organizat intalnirea
cu dl Marian Lupu, presedintele Parlamentului...
(Unele persoane vor folosi precis pozele de la aceasta intalnire
in inters propriu, am gandit eu atunci,
fara sa-mi dau seama pana unde ajunge prostia omeneasca.)
Dupa intalnite - sunt si mai bucurosi...
Descoper ca Micul Print a devenit o carte de vizita a Moldovei...
Dl Marian Lupu la acesta intalnire s-a intrecut pe sine...
Pe cat e de sever, uneori, la sedintele parlamentului...
si cat de vesel, bine dispus, a fost la intalnirea cu
membrii Juriului International de la Micul Print...
S-a dialogat intro perfecta limba romana, rusa, engleza, franceza...
Atat de prieteneste i-a imbratisat pe doi tineri ai delegatiei,
de se crea impresia, ca sunt prieteni de-o viata...
Energia pozitiva transmisa de mesagerii atator tari poate
sa-l ajute pe dl Marian Lupu sa devina la anul Presedintele R.Moldova,
zise unul dintre tineri.
Romania, Adigheea, Moldova, Turcia, Armenia,Portugalia, Ucraina, Federatia Rusa...
Eu nu am comentat, nu am aruncat nici o replica, deoarece, la aceasta tema,
deja ma exprimasem intr-un interviu...
Eu, ca un Ambasador popular, ce sunt, ma gandeam sa le mai ofer
membrilor Juriului International, ceva original,
ca sa-si creeze o impresie buna despre Moldova si oamenii sai...
Ganduri ale Renatei Verejanu
Mai am o multine de lucruri de facut...
Dar iau un taxi si vin direct la Parlament...
Membrii Juriului International si cativa sefi de delegatii straine deja ma asteapta...
Dansii sunt foarte bucurosi ca am organizat intalnirea
cu dl Marian Lupu, presedintele Parlamentului...
(Unele persoane vor folosi precis pozele de la aceasta intalnire
in inters propriu, am gandit eu atunci,
fara sa-mi dau seama pana unde ajunge prostia omeneasca.)
Dupa intalnite - sunt si mai bucurosi...
Descoper ca Micul Print a devenit o carte de vizita a Moldovei...
Dl Marian Lupu la acesta intalnire s-a intrecut pe sine...
Pe cat e de sever, uneori, la sedintele parlamentului...
si cat de vesel, bine dispus, a fost la intalnirea cu
membrii Juriului International de la Micul Print...
S-a dialogat intro perfecta limba romana, rusa, engleza, franceza...
Atat de prieteneste i-a imbratisat pe doi tineri ai delegatiei,
de se crea impresia, ca sunt prieteni de-o viata...
Energia pozitiva transmisa de mesagerii atator tari poate
sa-l ajute pe dl Marian Lupu sa devina la anul Presedintele R.Moldova,
zise unul dintre tineri.
Romania, Adigheea, Moldova, Turcia, Armenia,Portugalia, Ucraina, Federatia Rusa...
Eu nu am comentat, nu am aruncat nici o replica, deoarece, la aceasta tema,
deja ma exprimasem intr-un interviu...
Eu, ca un Ambasador popular, ce sunt, ma gandeam sa le mai ofer
membrilor Juriului International, ceva original,
ca sa-si creeze o impresie buna despre Moldova si oamenii sai...
Ganduri ale Renatei Verejanu
Editia a XV-a a Festivalului-Concurs International
Incepand cu editia a XV-a concursul poarta numele
Festivalul-Concurs International
Talentele Lumii (Micul Print).
Autorul proiectului - Dan si Renata Verejanu,
Realizator -Organizatia Mondiala a Copiilor Talentati
Festivalul-Concurs International
Talentele Lumii (Micul Print).
Autorul proiectului - Dan si Renata Verejanu,
Realizator -Organizatia Mondiala a Copiilor Talentati
Imnul Concursului International
Festivalului-Concurs International
"Micul Print" (muz.Mihai Constantinescu,
versuri Renata Verejanu)
a fost lansat de Anastasia Lazariuc
si Mihai Constantinescu in 1998,
la editia de la Bucuresti.
Apoi a fost interpretat de
Vasile Macovei si Alexa.
La aceasta editie a fost incredintat
lui Vasile Macovei si Marianei Brihunet...
Mariana a avut mari emotii...
La finele spectacolului,
cand horele s-au potolit,
a pozat cu cativa dintre
membrii Juriului International...
Telli Yamac(Turcia),
Silvio Matoc (Portugalia)
si Emilian (Romania)
The official song of the International Festival-Contest Little Prince (music byMihai Constantinescu, lyrics by Renata Verejanu) was launched by Anastasia Lazariuc and Mihai Constantinescu in 1998, at Bucharest edition. Then, this song was performed by Vasile Macovei and Alexa. At this edition, the song was given to perform to Vasile Macovei and Mariana Brihunet...
Mariana was so excited...
At the end of the show, when the dancers rested, she took some photos with a few members of International Jury
Telli Yamac (Turkey),
Silvio Matos (Portugal)
and Emilian (Romania)
joi, 5 iunie 2008
Asta e tara mea...
Aici eu realizez un numar enorm de proiecte...
Aici vin talentele lumii...
Vino si tu...
Festivalul-Concurs International Talentele Lumii (Micul Print) a ajuns la cea de-a XVI-a editie...
Aceasta editie o dedicam aniversarii de 60 de ani ai Consiliului Europei...
Dan Verejanu,
Directorul Concursului
This is my country...
Here I achieve an enormous number of projects...
Here is where the world talents come...
You should come too...
The International Festival-Contest World Talents (Micul Print) has reached the 15th edition. We are starting the 16th edition, dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Council of Europe...
Dan Verejanu,
Contest Director
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