Asta e tara mea...
Aici eu realizez un numar enorm de proiecte...
Aici vin talentele lumii...
Vino si tu...
Festivalul-Concurs International Talentele Lumii (Micul Print) a ajuns la cea de-a XVI-a editie...
Aceasta editie o dedicam aniversarii de 60 de ani ai Consiliului Europei...
Dan Verejanu,
Directorul Concursului
This is my country...
Here I achieve an enormous number of projects...
Here is where the world talents come...
You should come too...
The International Festival-Contest World Talents (Micul Print) has reached the 15th edition. We are starting the 16th edition, dedicated to 60th Anniversary of the Council of Europe...
Dan Verejanu,
Contest Director
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