vineri, 6 iunie 2008

Imnul Concursului International

Festivalului-Concurs International
"Micul Print" (muz.Mihai Constantinescu,
versuri Renata Verejanu)
a fost lansat de Anastasia Lazariuc
si Mihai Constantinescu in 1998,
la editia de la Bucuresti.
Apoi a fost interpretat de
Vasile Macovei si Alexa.
La aceasta editie a fost incredintat
lui Vasile Macovei si Marianei Brihunet...
Mariana a avut mari emotii...
La finele spectacolului,
cand horele s-au potolit,
a pozat cu cativa dintre
membrii Juriului International...
Telli Yamac(Turcia),
Silvio Matoc (Portugalia)
si Emilian (Romania)

The official song of the International Festival-Contest Little Prince (music byMihai Constantinescu, lyrics by Renata Verejanu) was launched by Anastasia Lazariuc and Mihai Constantinescu in 1998, at Bucharest edition. Then, this song was performed by Vasile Macovei and Alexa. At this edition, the song was given to perform to Vasile Macovei and Mariana Brihunet...
Mariana was so excited...
At the end of the show, when the dancers rested, she took some photos with a few members of International Jury
Telli Yamac (Turkey),
Silvio Matos (Portugal)
and Emilian (Romania)


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